Exciting news for Oshi no Ko fans! The popular anime series is set to return with its highly anticipated second season in July. Recently, the creative team offered fans a sneak peek of what’s to come in the upcoming season through their official X page.
Mark your calendars: the latest update about Oshi no Ko was shared on May 26, with more exciting details to follow. Stay tuned for further updates by following @otaku_blogs_com
The debut season of Oshi no Ko, which launched in April 2023, ended on a high note, capturing hearts with its gripping idol drama storyline and the hit theme song by YOASOBI. Now, all eyes are eagerly set on season two.
The upcoming season will introduce new characters, including Kōki Uchiyama as Taiki Himekawa and Yūsuke Kobayashi as Sakuya Kamoshida. Additionally, the cast will feature Megumi Han as Kana Arima, Manaka Iwami as Akane Kurokawa, Takeo Ōtsuka as Aqua Hoshino, and Seiji Maeda as Melt Narushima.